Assisted in Republishing Classical Literature and Old Books for a Leading Book Publisher in Wellington, New Zealand

Assisted in Republishing Classical Literature and Old Books for a Leading Book Publisher in Wellington, New Zealand Banner

Client Profile.

Leading Book Publisher, Wellington, New Zealand
Industry: Publishing


Formatting raw text, in predefined format, received in form of links, text files etc. by extracting raw data from the source files, and deliver them in PDF format; enabling the client to print and uploaded these books on Amazon/Google Books.

The Challenges.

  • Zeroing in on data entry experts with knowhow of historical writings such as classical fiction, philosophy, science, religion, folklore, mythology and sacred texts. In addition to it there were books on secret and esoteric subjects such as occult, freemasonry, alchemy, hermetic and ancient knowledge.
  • Meeting client requirement of data entry, extraction, formatting, proof scanning & uploading 50 books daily with a single team handling this diverse task.
Assisted in Republishing Classical Literature

The Solution.

Designed, developed and adhered to a workflow that sufficed all the process and client needs of Data entry, data extraction, data formatting, proof reading followed with scanning & uploading books in PDF file formats on the FTP server.


Hi-Tech’s Solution.

Value Addition.

Consistent upgrades in our systems, processes and skills, as reciprocation to the ever evolving technological demands, ensure that our online as well as offline data entry solutions are the ones with latest technological adoptions to assist our clients to stay competitive.
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